The mass tourism phenomenon has completed its life-cycle, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the customer’s purchasing behavior has changed dramatically. In parallel, the era in which sales of hotel rooms were the exclusive part of the TO’s strategy is coming to its end. New tech giants, online tools, and infinite options paved the way for unlimited DIRECT choices for both businesses and customers. The winner is the fittest and better structured service, combined with real-time response. Hotel businesses should adopt in the new age of Big Data and happy managers.
In the current business environment, hospitality professionals face daily new challenges, that are arising from the constant reshuffles of the tech giants, caused by their entry into the tourism industry globally. This has created a plus and a minus for the business hotelier, a challenge-opportunity that must be exploited and evolved: the strategic choice for differentiation and the focus on the individual guest.
The modern challenge for the hotel management is that high skilled people should be hired, trained, and be trusted in order to follow goals and objectives.
Trust and know-how are required to be keys to fundamentally transform a hospitality industry business today. In case of a global hotel chain that could be easier, but in case of a family business, that is a real challenge and a difficult decision to take. Focusing on the future of the business requires data, training, and support that are of an enormous cost- a real investment.
The advantage is that today the hotel rooms’ sales can be planned and executed digitally directly by the business itself, supported by a dedicated team. The combination of proper planning and persistence always bring the desired result: the rise of individual sales, sustainable future, plus extra revenue.
The RevitUp approach: the hotel business model changes gradually, from the traditional operating model to a futuristic Big Data management and technologically one. Hotel Revenue Management made easy by our professionals.
The role of lifelong learning for the business transformation process is an one-way option, since knowledge has always been the core competitive advantage.