Slowcation: The New Travel Trend

Slowcation: The New Travel Trend

In today's fast-paced era, the concept of "slowcation" is emerging as one of the leading travel trends. This approach, which focuses on relaxation and disconnection from everyday life, is gaining ground among travellers seeking authentic and deeper experiences.

What is Slowcation?

Slowcation is not just about the slow pace of travel, but a mindset that seeks to explore a place in depth, with an emphasis on authenticity and spontaneity. It's a chance to enjoy the scenery, meet the locals and indulge in the magic of travel without strict schedules and stress.

The Need for Slow Pace Travel

In the summer of 2024, the need for relaxation and disconnection is stronger than ever. According to Scott Dunn's latest research, 81% of British travellers are looking for holidays to escape stress and slow down their pace. This new trend, known as 'slowcation', reflects the desire for a more relaxed and authentic way of holidaying.


top things that help brits relax

"The top things that help Brits relax on holiday, from research by Scott Dunn"

How to Enjoy a Slowcation?

  • Try Local Gastronomy: 50% of travelers say that food and drink is the best way to relax on vacation.
  • Indulge in Reading: 42% of travelers find relaxation through reading.
  • Enjoy the Sun: 33% of travelers choose sunbathing to relax.
  • Discover Nature: Nearly 31% of travelers report that being in touch with nature helps them relax. Adopt a Spontaneous Attitude: Accepting "going with the flow" is one of the key elements of slowcation.

The importance of disconnection

According to research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the ideal length of a vacation for complete relaxation is eight days. For travelers to fully disconnect when they go on vacation , it takes about three days. While those who regularly check their phones may need even more time.

Multi-day holidays

Scott Dunn's research found that 45% of travellers plan to take longer holidays this year, looking for more rest stops and more relaxing schedules.


The Benefits of Slowcation for Hotels

For hotels, promoting slowcation can lead to an increase in bookings and an improved guest experience. By offering activities such as nature walks, outdoor cycling and train tours, hotels can provide unique and authentic experiences for their guests.


man enjoying the view of a lake

The renaissance of train travel

Train travel offers one of the best slow travel experiences, allowing travellers to enjoy every moment of the journey. Demand for luxury rail travel has tripled since the start of the year, with popular journeys such as the Belmond Andean Explorer to Peru and the Eastern & Oriental Express from Singapore to Malaysia.



Slowcation is a new, refreshing trend that responds to the need for relaxation and deeper exploration. By adopting this approach, travellers can create unforgettable memories and discover the world in a more authentic and relaxed way.